URCYL / Maison & Objet

STUDIO BYCOLORがデザインディレクションを手掛ける漆と木粉を掛け合わせた新素材URCYLをメゾンエオブジェで発表いたします。Case Study ProductとしてUR01(照明)とUR11(器)もご覧いただけます。パリにいらっしゃる方々はぜひお越しください。

URCYL, a new material combining URUSHI and fine wood flour, designed and directed by STUDIO BYCOLOR, will be presented at Maison et Objet, where you can also see UR01 (Lighting) and UR11 (Bowl) as Case Study Products. If you are in Paris, please come and visit.

Date:16(Thu) – 20(Mon) January, 2025 

venue:Maison & Objet Paris [ZAC Paris Nord 2,93420 Villepinte,Paris ]

    PROJECTS Hall 7 – Stand B140